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16. Inheritance in Python 1. Inheritance Inheritance in Python is a mechanism that allows one class to inherit the properties and methods of another class. This enables code reuse and extensibility. By default, all classes in Python inherit from a base class called object. Base Class (or Parent Class): The class from which inheritance is derived. Derived Class (or Child Class): The class that inherits properties and meth.. 2024. 3. 19.
14. Callbacks and Lambdas in Python 1. Callback Function A callback function is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is executed when a certain event or condition occurs. Callback functions are commonly used in asynchronous operations or when you want to perform a specific action when a certain event occurs. 2. Lambda Function A lambda function is a special syntax in Python for creating simple anonymous.. 2024. 3. 18.
12. User-Defined Function 1. User-Defined Functions It is functions that you create yourself to perform specific tasks. Python has many built-in functions, but sometimes you need to create a function that behaves exactly as you need it to. This is where user-defined functions come in. 1-1. Functions with no parameters and no return value The simplest form of a function It performs a specific task and the result is printe.. 2024. 3. 15.
11. Collections and Loops 1. List and For loops: A loop is a control structure used to execute the same task repeatedly. The most commonly used loops are the for loop and the while loop, each suited for different situations. 2. Dictionaries and For loops 3. Comprehensions Comprehension is one of the simple ways to create or transform collections such as lists, sets, and dictionaries in Python. Comprehension is a techniqu.. 2024. 3. 15.