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Python(Eng. ver)24

4. Python collection type - List 1. Collection Types? It refers to a data structure that allows multiple data items to be managed as a unit. It allows multiple data items to be stored and managed in one variable. In Python, lists, tuples, sets, dictionaries, and more belong to the basic collection types. 2. List A list is a sequential data structure that allows user to store and manage multiple values in one variable. 2-1. Crea.. 2024. 3. 14.
3. Python String & why 0.1+ 1.1 ≠ 1.2 1. What are Strings? In Python, strings are a crucial data type used to handle text data. They are represented by sequences of characters enclosed in single (') or double quotes ("), or triple quotes (''' or """) for multi-line strings. 2. String Reassignment Since strings in Python are immutable, reassigning a string to the same variable creates a new string object, and the variable references .. 2024. 3. 13.
2. Variables in Python 1. Variable Variables are an important concept used to store and manage data in programming. A variable is a named memory space that is used to store or reference a value. 2. Data Types of Variables Dynamic typing: Automatically infer the type of a variable when assigning a value without having to declare it. Pros: Reduces the burden on programmers and can make code more concise. Cons: Values of.. 2024. 3. 13.
1. Python Output 1. Print Function The print() function is the most basic output function in Python. It is used to display text or data on the terminal or console window. sep : Specifies the separator to be inserted between values. The default value is a space (' '). end : Specifies the character to be printed at the end of all values. The default value is a newline ('\n'). 2. Escape Characters in Python Escape .. 2024. 3. 12.