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Python(Eng. ver)

17. Special Method

by 곽정우 2024. 3. 19.

1. Special Methods

Special methods, also known as magic methods in Python, are methods that have names starting and ending with double underscores (__). These methods are automatically called by the Python interpreter when certain operators or built-in functions are used.

  • init : This method is called when an object is created. It is used to initialize the object's attributes.
  • str : This method is called when an object is converted to a string. It is used to return a string representation of the object. This is used when the object is printed using the print() function or when the str() function is explicitly called on the object.


  • add: This method is called when the + operator is used on two objects. It is used to return the sum of the two objects.


  • len: This method is called when the len() function is used on an object. It is used to return the length of the object.


  • getitem: This method is called when the indexing operator ([]) is used on an object. It is used to return the element at the specified index of the object.


  • call: This method is called when an object is called like a function. It is used to implement the functionality of calling the object as a function


Additional Special Methods:

  • eq(self, other): This method is used to compare two objects for equality.
  • lt(self, other): This method is used to compare two objects for their relative size.
  • iter(self):This method is used to make an object iterable.

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