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Python(Eng. ver)

5. Python collection type - Tuple

by 곽정우 2024. 3. 14.

1. Tuple

A tuple is an immutable collection with ordered elements that can store values of various data types.

  • Immutable: After creating tuples, elements cannot be added, deleted, or modified.
  • Efficient: Tuples are more memory-efficient than lists, particularly aiding in performance enhancement when data is infrequently modified.


1-1. Creation

Tuple is created using parentheses (),  and each item is separated by commas.


1-2. Indexing

  • Each item in a tuple has a position (index) and can be accessed using the index.
  • Indexing starts from 0.


1-3. Slicing

  • Only a portion of the tuple can be extracted through slicing.


1-4. Operation

  • Tuples can be combined using the + operation between tuples..
  • User can iterate over a tuple with the * operation.'


1-5. Unpacking

  • Tuple items can be assigned to variables. (Also possible with lists)


1-6. Membership Testing

  • The in operator can be used to check if a specific value exists in a tuple. (Also possible with lists)


1-7. Sorting Tuples

  • Tuples don't provide a sort() method, but they can be sorted using the sorted() function.


1-8. Conversion

  • Tuples can be converted to lists and vice versa.


2. Input Function

  • Function that can receive data input from the user (developer)
  • Data is always entered as a string (str) type.



※. Question:

Write a program that calculates the total and average scores for receiving Korean, English, and math scores.

However, the input method is in the form of 100/70/85


Kor, Eng, Math = input('Please enter your Kor, Eng, and Math scores separated by a slash (/).').split('/')

# The First Anwer
a=(int(Kor) + int(Eng)+ int(Math))
print("Total_Score:", a)
print("AVG:", b)


# The Second Anwer
print(f'Total_Score: {int(Kor)+int(Eng)+int(Math)}')
print(f'AVG: {(int(Kor)+int(Eng)+int(Math))/3}')
print(f'AVG: %.2f' % ((int(Kor)+int(Eng)+int(Math))/3))


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